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internet video中文是什么意思

用"internet video"造句"internet video"怎么读"internet video" in a sentence


  • 影像式网际网路


  • Flow control of transmission multiple real - time internet video
  • One internet video - clip features a vast room in which thousands of books have been lined up like dominoes in intricate patterns
  • Crd is preparing to launch the next generation internet video delivery platform in 2006 . this new technology will impact how we watch videos online
  • Transmitting to its terminals , specifically movie , tv and newly emerged internet video , visual image needs not just one or several cameras , but a complex system
  • In an internet video posted wednesday , the deputy leader of al - qaida , ayman al - zawahiri urged pakistanis to revolt against the government in retaliation for the raid on the red mosque
  • Forth , a novel error control method for internet video communication is proposed , named adaptive intra update . this method can effectively enhance packet loss resilience and improve the quality of decoded video
  • There are several procedures used to reduce these deteriorating effects , including the use of forward error correction techniques , error concealment methods and error resilience schemes . this paper studies error resilient techniques in internet video transmission . in this techeniques , reed - solomon ( rs ) codes across packets is used for error protection against packet loss , and a self - adaptive error concealment method based on motion feature is proposed , which can conceal errors more effectively , particularly for video sequences with acute motion
  • In this paper , traditional multimedia transport methods are introduced and transport - based video coding methods are discussed firstly . in practice , due to the heterogeneous networks and unpredictable bandwidth variations , internet video streaming typically has delay and packet - loss , which influence the quality of video streaming
  • Error control can be done in any step such as prediction , transform , quantization , vlc , bitstream syntax structure , channel coding , decoding and etc . this thesis reviews the research on error control in detail and proposes a novel error control method for internet video communication
用"internet video"造句  
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